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Development Applications

A specialist planning and environment lawyer can be an invaluable resource when it comes to navigating the complex requirements of preparing, lodging, and progressing a development application. Whether you are a developer, a landowner, or a community group, a specialist environment and planning lawyer with development application experience can provide support throughout the process.


Firstly, a planning and environment lawyer can assist with the preparation of the development application itself. They can help ensure that all necessary information is included in the application, that it complies with all relevant laws and planning controls, such as Local Environmental Plans (LEP) and Development Control Plans (DCP), and that it presents a persuasive case for approval of the proposed development.

Secondly, a planning and environment lawyer can help with the process of engaging with local councils and other stakeholders. They can advise on the best ways to communicate with these groups and can help to negotiate any issues or objections that may arise during the development application process. Thirdly, if a development application is rejected or refused or approved on unsatisfactory conditions, a planning and environment lawyer can assist with Land and Environment Court appeals.

Renovated Building

Finally, once a development consent has been issued, a planning and environment lawyer can also be of assistance if you need to make an application to modify the consent. There may also be reason for validity of a development consent to come under challenge in Court proceedings. A planning and environment lawyer can provide essential advice on commencing or defending against such a challenge.

Planning and environment lawyers can be an essential ally for anyone involved in development applications. From preparing the development application to navigating complex requirements and defending against legal challenges, a lawyer can provide the expertise and support needed to achieve a successful outcome.

If you need assistance with a development application or consent, feel free to reach out and contact me.

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