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Planning and Environment Law Projects

I have advised and assisted on the planning and environment law aspects of a wide variety of projects and development including the following selection (de-identified for client confidentiality)

Development Application for industrial unit complex involving landscaping issues on irregular site

2024, Southern Sydney NSW

Resolving issues arising from access to and use of land by Council under Local Government Act 1993 (NSW)

2024, South Coast NSW

Resolving flooding issues resulting from Council works

2024, Southern Highlands NSW

Application to modify Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan mapping

2024, Western Sydney NSW

Response to Council show cause notice on alleged unauthorised development

2024, Lower North Shore of Sydney NSW

Challenging Council issued Development Control Order for alleged unauthorised clearing of critically endangered flora

2024, Western Sydney NSW

Resolving NSW Planning Portal and building certification issues for alterations and additions to existing mixed use development

2024, Eastern Suburbs of Sydney NSW

Physical commencement and activation of development consent for 13 storey mixed use development

2024, Newcastle NSW

Café development requiring resolution of site vehicular access and Community Land issues

2024, Western Sydney NSW

Development Application for backpackers accommodation, including clause 4.6 requests to vary maximum building height and floor space ratio (FSR) development standards

2024, Eastern Suburbs of Sydney NSW

Modification of Development Consent for expansion of seniors living development requiring remediation of land

2024, Greater Newcastle NSW

Residential subdivision requiring resolution of flooding and stormwater issues

2024, Southern Highlands NSW

Modification of Development Consent requiring relocation and release of easement for stormwater

2024, Northern Sydney NSW

Development Application for two storey seven unit industrial warehouse complex

2024, Southern Sydney NSW

Development Application for 5 storey 108 dwelling mixed use commercial/residential building, including clause 4.6 request to vary maximum building height development standard

2023, Greater Newcastle NSW

Act of Grace payment under Government Sector Finance Act

2023, Western Sydney NSW

Challenge to validity of development consent for conversion of existing building from commercial to residential

2023, Lower North Shore of Sydney NSW

Modification of Development Consent for residential flat building on constrained site with steetscape and setback issues

2023, Eastern suburbs of Sydney NSW

Development Application for 3 level 16 dwelling residential flat building, including clause 4.6 variation request to vary maximum building height development standard and heritage issues

2023, Lower North Shore of Sydney NSW

Responding to Council Notice to Furnish Documents and Information under Environmental Planning and Assessment Act

2023, Eastern Suburbs of Sydney NSW

Objection to Development Control Order on Mining Camp

2023, Hunter region NSW

Redevelopment of Site by way of Strata Renewal Plan

2023, Inner-city Sydney NSW

Challenge to Ministerial Interim Heritage Order

2023, Lower North Shore of Sydney NSW

Objection to application of amended Development Control Plan parking rates under condition of rezoning Gateway Determination

2023, Lower North Shore of Sydney NSW

Objection to quantum of development contributions payable under development consent

2023, South-west Sydney NSW

Rezoning reqeust / Planning Proposal to rezone industrial land to part R3 medium density residential, part B1 neighbourhood centre and part RE1 public recreation

2023, Inner-west Sydney NSW

Response to Council show cause letter on demolition of structures

2023, Western Sydney NSW

Development application for warehousing, car parking and contamination remediation works

2023, Western Sydney NSW

Suspension of easement for light and air purporting to restrict height of development 

2022, Eastern Suburbs of Sydney NSW

Challenge to Interim Heritage Order (IHO) imposed over site of proposed development

2022, Lower North Shore of Sydney NSW

Rezoning request / Planning Proposal for rezoning of recreation land to low density residential with issues arising on consistency with State and local land use strategies

2022, North Shore of Sydney NSW

Development application for 2 tower 17 storey mixed use commercial/residential building, including clause 4.6 requests to vary maximum building height and Floor Space Ratio (FSR) development standards

2022, Wollongong NSW

Objection to Council imposed Fire Safety Order over high rise office building

2022, CBD Sydney NSW

Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) supporting development application for registered club

2022, Inner-west Sydney NSW

Development application for registered club proposed on land crossing zone boundaries giving rise to permissibility issues

2022, Western Sydney NSW

Council refusal of a development application for a two lot Torrens Title residential subdivision

2022, Inner-west Sydney NSW

Development application for residential dwelling including clause 4.6 request to vary maximum building height, and objections from surrounding residents

2022, Eastern suburbs of Sydney NSW

Development application for 3 storey 4 unit residential flat building, including affordable housing, on a constrained site

2022, Eastern suburbs of Sydney NSW

Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) for dedication of land supporting development application for mixed use commercial and residential development

2022, Southern Sydney NSW

Traffic and access issues arising from conditions of consent for serviced apartments and a registered club

2021, South-west Sydney NSW

Rezoning request / Planning Proposal for rezoning of industrial land in flood planning area to medium density residential including increase in maximum building height and Floor Space Ratio (FSR)

2021, Inner-west Sydney NSW

Development application for 24 storey mixed use commercial/residential development requiring clause 4.6 variation to maximum building height and Floor Space Ratio (FSR) development standards pre-empting proposed rezoning, including proposed partial acquistion of neighbouring land

2021, Lower North Shore of Sydney NSW

Detailed development application and modification of concept consent for town centre including 700+ units over retail and basement carparking

2021, North-western Sydney NSW

Crown development application for 40,000 plot cemetery

2021, Western Sydney NSW

Development application for staged 68 lot residential subdivision

2021, North-western Sydney NSW

Rezoning request for rezoning of industrial land to permit related special purpose residential use

2021, Inner-west Sydney NSW

Objection to proposed rezoning of land under draft Cumberland Plain Conservation Plan

2020, Western Sydney NSW

Multiparty dispute on undertaking public domain works required by Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA) and conditions of development consents

2020, Eastern Suburbs NSW

Rezoning request / Planning Proposal for rezoning of industrial land for medium density residential use, including increases to maximum building height and Floor Space Ratio (FSR)

2020, Illawarra NSW

Residential subdivision potentially impacted by proposed housing density amendments to State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 (NSW)

2020, Hills District of Sydney NSW

Development application for 11 storey 94 unit RFB over basement car parking, requiring clause 4.6 variation to maximum building height development standard

2020, Southern Sydney NSW

Rezoning request / Planning Proposal to rezone R2 - low density residential land with existing use rights to B1 - neighbourhood centre to permit retail use

2020, Upper North Shore of Sydney NSW

Development application for 11 storey 77 unit Residential Flat Building (RFB) over basement car parking on land adjacent to locally listed heritage item and requiring a clause 4.6 variation to maximum building height development standard  

2020, Southern Sydney NSW

Council orders under Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) for remedial works on private land required due to landslip

2020, Eastern Suburbs of Sydney NSW

Development application for 2 storey 4 unit Residential Flat Building (RFB) over basement car parking on land in heritage conservation area and adjacent to locally listed heritage item

2019, Eastern Suburbs of Sydney NSW

Extinguishment and substitution of right of way easements to facilitate approved mixed use development of land 

2019, Eastern Suburbs of Sydney NSW

Concept development application for town centre including 700+ units over retail and basement carparking

2019, North-west Sydney NSW

Development application for 41 unit independent seniors living facility

2019, Northern Beaches of Sydney NSW

Community objection to Planning Proposal to rezone RU1 - Rural Primary Production zoned land to IN4 - Working Waterfront

2019, North Coast of NSW

Development application for five - six storey 104 unit mixed use development with ground floor retail over basement car parking, requiring a clause 4.6 variation to maximum building height development standard

2019, southern Sydney NSW

Crown development application for 136,000 plot cemetery, partly on land recommended for State Heritage Listing. Read more on that here

2019, South-western Sydney NSW

Development application for 10 storey 233 unit Residential Flat Building (RFB) with basement car parking, requiring clause 4.6 variation to maximum building height development standard

2019, Southern Sydney NSW

Challenge of Valuer-General Land Tax valuation of a large B2 - Local Centre zoned parcel of land

2018, Hills District of Sydney NSW

Development application for 11 storey 104 unit Residential Flat Building (RFB) with basement car parking, requiring clause 4.6 variation to maximum building height development standard

2018, Southern Sydney NSW

Development application for two additional over-height limit storeys atop a 16 storey Residential Flat Building (RFB), requiring clause 4.6 variation requests to maximum building height and Floor Space Ratio development standards and a VPA

2017, Southern Sydney NSW

Let's discuss your development project or planning and environment law issue
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